Without Mouse how to use Firefox
0Navigation from the toolbar
- Select location bar: Ctrl/Cmd+L or Alt+D
- Select search bar: Ctrl/Cmd+K
- Back: Backspace or Alt/Cmd+Left
- Forward: Alt/Option+Right or Shift+Backspace
- Change search engine: Ctrl/Cmd+Down (Next) +Up (Previous)
Opening pages
Unless you do all of your browsing in one page, these shortcuts are huge when you don't want to go running for your mouse.
- Open link in new window: Shift+Enter
- Open link in new tab: Ctrl/Cmd+Enter
- Open address/search in new tab: Alt/Option+Enter
Used together with their respective shortcuts (address and search bar shortcuts and the find-as-you-type link shortcut), the page opening shortcuts go a long way toward mouse-less browsing.
Grab bag
The following shortcuts fall into a more general grab bag of useful shortcuts.
- Caret browsing: F7
- Refresh: Ctrl/Cmd+R or F5
- Refresh (override cache): Ctrl/Cmd+F5 or Ctrl/Cmd+Shift+R
- Switch tabs: Ctrl/Cmd+Tab
- Select tab (1-9): Ctrl/Cmd+[1-9]
- Compose email: Ctrl/Cmd+M